Key Activities

PSE Consultancy provides services to government and non-government organisations in New Zealand and internationally.    A few of our activities are:

Strategic Planning

PSE Consultancy works with communities and community organisation as they prepare mission statements, strategic development objectives, writes business and marketing plans.   This work provides organisations with tools to enable growth, but also to attract funding from a range of sources.  For further information:

Submission to Local Government Select Committee.

In sup­port of our phi­los­o­phy for strength­en­ing Cul­tural Well-being.    Penny Eames has made a sub­mis­sion to the Select Com­mit­tee of the New Zealand gov­ern­ment on the amend­ments to the 2002 Local Gov­ern­ment Act.

That sub­mis­sion advo­cates the reten­tion of the four Well-beings in the pur­pose of Local Gov­ern­ment.   In this sub­mis­sion Penny Eames  briefly dis­cuss why the words well-being and cul­ture should be retained and why the parts of the leg­is­la­tion which cel­e­brate the quadru­ple bot­tom line of social, eco­nomic, envi­ron­men­tal and cul­tural well-being should be in this Local Gov­ern­ment Act Amendment.

Download here:   Submission to the Local Government Select committee on the Local Government Amendment Bill _1_ _1_

The cur­rent leg­is­la­tion  includes the fol­low­ing state­ment Part 1, Pur­pose Page 18 of 2002 Local Gov­ern­ment Act:

 “  d) pro­vides for local author­i­ties to play a broad role in pro­mot­ing the social, eco­nomic, envi­ron­men­tal, and cul­tural well-being of their com­mu­ni­ties, tak­ing a sus­tain­able devel­op­ment approach”.

I also rec­om­mend that this com­mit­tee retain in Sec­tion 1 Inter­pre­ta­tion the fol­low­ing state­ment in rela­tion to com­mu­nity outcomes:

com­mu­nity out­comes means the out­comes that a local author­ity aims to achieve in order to pro­mote the social, eco­nomic, envi­ron­men­tal, and cul­tural well-being of its dis­trict or region, in the present and for the future”.

Keep­ing these well-being gives ter­ri­to­r­ial local author­i­ties the vision of regions, cities and dis­tricts where the well-being of its res­i­dents is the most impor­tant thing and the good infra­struc­ture just part of the process to achieve that goal.      To support the submission to the select committee  Penny Eames also provided copies of her book Cultural Well-being and cultural capital in printed and electronic editions.

If you have any comments do email me at

The electronic edition down load here.   Cultural Well-being Cultural Capital

Social Science Research

PSE consultancy also conducts social science research and economic impact of the arts reports.  For further information email;

An example of the social science research is included below in the research into the spiritual well-being of Older New Zealanders.

Resource Audits

This is a community process which enables communities to find their strengths and the valuable cultural and social capital, then to measure how that capital can be used to enhance social, economic, environmental and cultural wellbeing.

For further information email:

PSE Consultancy Books and Publications

As a publishing house we have published a number of books.   A few are now E-book and can be downloaded Free from this site.


Free download book here:   Cultural Well-being Cultural Capital

This book has more information, definitions, examples and practical suggestions for using culture as a key to development.

It also includes an analysis of phases of culture, and the meaning and measurement of cultural capital. This second edition includes new sections, including extra information relating to how cultures communicate and on how to use opportunity costs to measure the cost of not using culture for development.   If you wish to buy a printed copy enquire now from;


Free download book here:   Songbirdselectronicedition2009

This is a training manual for people working in art and prison projects.

This CD edition has been prepared for to accompany workshops and Master classes being held in South Africa in June 2007, but a limited number are available on CD from PSE Consultancy.  Now the full copy of Songbirds is available as downloadable book.

While the training manual was written for the South African prisons, it is still relevant to anyone working in prison art.

This 56 page document is illustrated with spectacular pictures of prison art, from Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and England.

Penny Eames has worked with arts and prisons for 20 years in New Zealand and was for four years associated with South Africa Arts against crime and Art in prison programmes

If you would like further information please email:



Free down load book here   Spirituality research Report of Older New Zealanders

The interviewing of 40 older New Zealanders from many part of New Zealand was a privilege and result in the attached report. Feedback would be welcome. This was an amazing report and had quite unexpected results.

Download the PDF book Spiritual Well-being as part of cultural well-being by Penny Eames, commissioned by the Bishop’s Action Foundation, New Plymouth, Taranaki, New Zealand.

If you would like to discuss the findings email: